TCT: Day 3

Trans-Catalina Trail: Day 3


Little Harbor Campground - Two Harbors - San Pedro

Miles hiked: 5.6 mi

Elevation gained: 1,398 ft (0 - 1,224 - 0)

Animals seen: townies

Elevation chart created on

Late night, nodding off at the campfire, fishing boats right outside the harbor with the brightest lights this world can manufacture. It wasn’t the most restful of nights to say the least. During brekkie (cinnamon roll oatmeal and cold coffee), I evaluated the damage of yesterday. The ankle was very swollen but still able to walk relatively pain free.

Just a wee bit swollen

I attempted to rouse Jake and get camp packed up early since there was a tough climb today but our morning routine is still in dire need of practice. It was still an hour and a half to break camp and be on trail by 8:30am.

The climb out of the harbor was a grind but the June Gloom fog and breeze kept the temperature comfortable. When reading about the TCT online, everyone and their brother talks about the views of this particular section. The views were hidden by the fog for us, but it led to an experience that felt as though we were hiking along the edge of the world.

There is a view out there somewhere

Halfway through the climb

Only one more hump to go, can you see it?

We took a fuel up break at the top (yogurt & chocolate trail mix).

Last resting bench of this leg

The coasting trail down to Two Harbors had a few speed bump ups but we were still able to cruise. No bison in site as we wound down to the town. We were able to spy the notorious, formidable climb out of Two Harbors waiting for us on part 2. That may suck.

We get to climb that shrouded mountain

We got through the gate and were able to relax a bit now that we were officially off bison watch duty. The dirt road led for easy speed into town.

Two Harbors!

We made great time, arriving in Two Harbos by 11:30am. Over five miles, under three hours. The hiking legs feel pretty darn good. We made a pit stop at the restrooms and were able to score an earlier ferry ride back to the mainland. We parked ourselves at the tavern for the next two hours, enjoying a cocktail dubbed buffalo milk (delicious), IPA’s and sammies with fries. It was divine.

Jake enjoying Buffalo Milk

All three of us fell asleep on the ferry ride home. Something about the chugging of the engine and the breeze through the window. In the nap grogginess I left my car keys aboard the ferry and had a mild panic attack. Luckily, the crew was great and I was able to find them easily.

The car had not been towed!

And the expensive parking fee did little to dampen our experience of the trial. The views were incredible. While it was moderately busy, it was a tough enough trail to make it feel like the backcountry. The little luxuries along: resting benches, plush campgrounds, restaurants to cut down on food weight, made it super enjoyable. Jake and I discussed that we both felt the trail would be comfortable to solo hike it. We loved the shared experience of hiking together but have been pondering the challenge of a solo hike. Honestly, we can’t wait for part 2 to finish the trail.

See all Trans-Catalina Trail posts


Mt. Baldy


TCT: Day 2