SHT: Day 18

Superior Hiking Trail: Day 18


Springdale Creek Camp - West Poplar River Camp

Miles hiked: 12.1 mi

No spur/bonus miles

Elevation gained: 2,011 ft

Animals seen: so many chipmunks

Elevation chart created on

We didn’t set an alarm but were up at 6:30am as camp was stirring. Tim had been up most of the night sick from a migraine and was trying to rest. Our neighbors (mother and son) stopped by on their way out to say goodbye to the dogs. Leinie loved the attention. 

We were on trail around 9am and it started off very cruisey. I was feeling great and soon Leinie and I took the lead. I felt strong. The legs wanted to blaze ahead, my shin fully recovered after nsaids and rest. Leinie and I quickly hit a cruising speed and found ourselves stopping periodically to let the rest of the group catch up. It felt good to be leading and the confidence let my mind wander to the possibility of being able to accomplish the Border Route and Kek solo. 

Leinie blazing the trail

We made good time and made it to the Oberg Mountain trailhead quickly. Then the ups started, first up (see what I did there?) was Oberg Mountain. We didn’t summit but made it over the ridge and stopped at a bridge for our first water break on a very warm day (projected to be in the 80’s). Looking at the map there would be infrequent water opportunities, excellent. 

Next up for ups was Moose Mountain. Oof dah. The climb on Moose was a slog but I could feel my legs and body getting stronger. We made the ridgeline by 1pm. Just in time for kickoff of the first ISU game of the season against UNI. The ridgeline also had semi-okay reception and I was able to plug into the game for the first quarter until my phone died.

Fall is setting in

The group had played with the idea of taking the gondola from Moose Mountain to a restaurant, but we elected to keep trucking instead. As delicious as a burger and beer sounded, especially paired with a football game, the additional 1.5 bonus miles was less appealing. Instead, we decided to break for a late lunch at the top of the next up, Magic Mountain.

Magic Mountain had switchbacks (!!), honestly never thought I would be excited over switchbacks, but here we are. The switchbacks made it less grueling but decidedly prolonged. There was an overgrown overlook at the top with a good, flat rock. We quickly took off packs and started eating. I was able to charge my phone and was able to log onto the last quarter of the game. ISU pulled off a killer win, 30-9.

We were cruising downhill to the Lutsen trailhead and made it there by 4pm. Tim, Gabe and Jake wanted to soak in the Poplar River. I elected dog duty instead of soaking, mostly because I despise hiking in wet clothes. So the pups and I sat on the bridge enjoying the view and catching up on rare internet availability.

Lutsen River trailhead at the Poplar River

The last up of the day was Lutsen Mountain. While not the worst up of the day, it definitely wasn’t the easiest. The nice overlooks helped to soothe the sore legs before the steep descent back to the Poplar River on the other side of the mountain. We made it to West Poplar River Camp which had one couple already set up with their hammock. 

My gps map had a fish icon indicating a popular fishing spot. I’m not well-versed in river fishing (lakes are my forte) and the river was low due to Minnesota’s prolonged drought. I decided to try it anyway. It was relaxing next to the river and despite not getting any bites, I also didn’t loose anything to rocks. There are definitely worse ways to wind down from trail, now if only a cold beer was at hand. 

I’m impressed with the mileage Tim and Gabe were able to do with fully loaded packs, but it sounds like they are very sore. I shared my pharmacy, and they gladly took some nsaids. Fingers crossed we can keep the mileage going.

See all Superior Hiking Trail posts


SHT: Day 19


SHT: Day 17