SHT: Day 24
Superior Hiking Trail: Day 24
Cliff Creek Camp - North Little Brule Camp
SHT miles: 10.0 mi
No spur/bonus miles
Elevation gained: 942 ft
Animals seen: seagulls, camp mouse
Elevation chart created on
We decided to sleep in now that the days are shorter and it’s colder in the morning. We were still warming ourselves slowly back to trail and had only about 10 miles to do today. Finally emerging about 7:30am, the temp was in the mid-50’s. The weather app claimed a high in the 60’s, good hiking weather.
We enjoyed coffee and brek with Angela before waving goodbye and setting off. Despite Yoda still being more weight than is ideal, we were setting a decent pace. Maybe it’s getting easier…quick, knock on wood.
We made a quick pitstop at the Kadunce River to snack up and use the camp latrine.
It’s a Friday and the trail is getting busier. Everyone we pass looks squeaky clean and appears to be in good spirits. Jake and I wonder whether we are just negative people, that we can’t seem to enjoy the SHT as we previously had, or is everyone just so unaware of how unpleasant it really is. Jake is almost positive he won’t continue after the northern terminus of the SHT. He has also been debating taking a break from hiking. I don’t blame him, while not quite to that point currently, I had the same feeling after Maroon Bells. Are we just not hikers anymore? But then I remember how amazing it was summit Whitney, or the very solid type 1 fun of the Catalina Trail. Maybe we need to be pickier on the type of trails we pick?
When your day is spent walking, eating, and sleeping it leaves ample time to be stuck in your own head. I can understand Jake’s lack of enthusiasm for hiking since it has been a hard trail. While I am still set on continuing through the boundary waters, rumors of how overgrown the Border Route are have me questioning my untested navigation skills. Am I continuing because I want to or because I feel I have something to prove. Maybe a bit of both.
Back to trail, we made good time to the infamous beach walk of the SHT. It was beautiful. Difficult to walk with the rocks but still beautiful. About halfway through we took our lunch break.
Once the trail headed away from Lake Superior, we reached the official lowest point of the trail.
We had about two miles to the Brule River camps (there are three) and it was relatively easy going which made it easy to zone out and for time to pass quickly. The first site was full. The time pushing close to 5pm and with limited tent pads remaining in the last two sites we quickened our pace. We went to the third camp which had rumors of more tent pads and found the only suitable one already occupied. Jake went to scope out the smaller middle site while Leinie and I waited. While Leinie and I rested, a camp mouse decided to scamper over Yoda on a mad dash to the other side of the camp. Leinie did nothing (failure as a terrier) and I made a mental note to ensure any food was not in our tent (rodents like to chew holes in tents and gear to get at food).
Jake came back to collect us as there was a nice tent pad at the other side. I quickly got started on setting up the tent and sleep systems while Jake filtered water and started dinner. We have two neighbors who are hiking together (sobo thru’s, surprised anyone?). One guy has done about three quarters of the AT, trail name Clean Sweep. His friend and coworker is a first time backpacker.
Everyone crawled into tents early tonight. It’s 6:30pm. Despite that, I feel bushed. We are adding more miles on tomorrow and the forecast has rain. Joy.
Our band of heroes is drying out from the sogginess that was the SHT. They ponder their experience on trail, the people the met, what their hiking future looks like…