SHT: Day 4

Superior Hiking Trail: Day 4


Canal Park - Bald Eagle Camp

SHT miles: 14.2 mi

Bonus miles: 0.2 mi

Total miles hiked: 14.4 mi

Elevation gained: 1,598 ft

Animals seen: mosquitoes, deer

Elevation chart created on

We had a big climb ahead of us and at least 14 miles to go to get to the first SHT campsite today since our Duluth hosts would be heading to the Twin Cities for the weekend. As such, we got a bright and early start. Hah! No, we didn’t. Coffee (sans brek) and chatting, the downfall of the best laid morning plans. After some debating discussion of where to get dropped off, we were dropped off at Grandma’s restaurant around 10am with our now fully loaded packs.

Canal Park was busy, but it was a Saturday. We made it less than a half mile before we took a quick break for some flush toilets (coffee). Another mile of the lakewalk and we turned towards town and the big hill we needed to climb. Jake’s knee was still bothering him so we did a few blocks of bonus miles to a CVS for a knee wrap and some snickers.

We passed an interesting farmer’s market and much recommended burrito joint. We sighed as we passed both, we had serious miles to do or we would be in trouble tonight with no place to sleep. Up and up and up we went. The park trails were pleasant if a bit misleading with trail blazes and signage. We ended up off trail a few times when the SHT decided to take a turn off the clear trail we were on. 

In and out of parks, intermittent road walking and so much up. The day was also very warm. The thermometer was hovering in the mid/high 80’s. We finally rolled up to the Hartley Nature Center where we quickly sprawled on some shaded picnic tables for a lunch break (apple peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal for Jake, blueberry vanilla almond oatmeal for me). 

The time was pushing early afternoon and we were growing more concerned about the remaining 9+ miles we needed to do in the heat. After searching hotel apps, we came up with nothing except the reality that we had to get to the first campsite tonight. We muled up and hit the trail. Some more rollercoaster roads and a miserably rocky section of trail and we arrived at the Martin Road trailhead around 4:30pm, the start of the next section. We had officially completed the Duluth section of the SHT. There was minimal celebrating since we still needed to hustle. I quickly jotted us down in the trail register and updated the socials and we pushed on.

Martin Road TH

Pushed on into farmland?! 

Plowing the field

Slow down Jake, there’s a speed limit here

In a positive mood, I would call it the Grass Highlands of the SHT. At the moment it was the most miserable, overgrown grass section from hell. At least it was flat. The temp had continued to rise and was hovering in the low 90’s and the mosquitoes made a very unwelcome appearance. Everywhere on the trail we could see poison ivy. 

Our water was quickly depleting and with no shade and no water sources, only seemingly endless overgrown snowmobile trail, I started to worry. Jake’s motivation was rapidly disappearing, and then it left completely. He is not the one to breakdown on trail (that’s typically my role, thank you very much) but he laid down in the middle of the overgrown trail and muttered something about ending right there. To his credit, there was no ragey tears, just a moderate level of dehydration.

My concern was quickly replaced with panic. We had several more miles to go to the campsite, we were far from roads and I can’t carry him and both of our packs. Swallowing my panic, I made him drink his remaining half liter of water with some electrolyte mix and soaked a bandana to place on his face and head. I took stock of Leinie, myself and the remaining water. Leinie appeared to be in the best shape of all of us, I was ok and carefully downed some water, leaving a precious third liter to get us to a water source. After 15-20 minutes I got Jake back up and took the lead with Leinie.

The feet and legs struggled, but we made it to the first SHT campsite, Bald Eagle. It smelled of liberty and freedom. Kidding, it smelled of beaver pond and our smelly packs. Making camp was a struggle. Jake was defeated, I had never seen him like that on trail. I sat him down with water and dinner to make while I attempted to get camp set up and chores done. I was worried, but to quote Scarlett O’Hara, “I’ll think about it tomorrow,” was the phrase I told myself on repeat.

Bald Eagle Camp

Dinner was short, we weren’t super hungry despite the miles. Heat and dehydration made the food clump in our mouths. Mosquitoes added to the desire to crawl into the tent. I hung the bear bag and stowed the keg before crawling in. The heat made the tent a sauna, so we left the rain fly doors open. The mosquito buzzing mixed with bar sounds from some close establishment and the sweat causing me to stick to the sleeping pad was foretelling of a rough night ahead.

See all Superior Hiking Trail posts


SHT: Day 5


SHT: Day 3