SHT: Day 22

Superior Hiking Trail: Day 22


Grand Marais, MN

Zero Day

Animals seen: townies, swampies

Our first official zero! What is a zero you ask? It’s a day where a thru hiker does zero miles. A zero is typically taken in a town where the hiker can take a mental and physical break from trail. We haven’t done a long enough hike to warrant a zero until the SHT. Sometimes you hear about a nero, a day where a hiker does a small amount of miles, or near zero miles, get it? I swear, I am not making this up.

I woke up in the middle of the night and could not fall asleep for hours. When I eventually was able to fall back asleep I was dead to the world. I finally stirred around 8:30am to the smell of breakfast. Jake made us pancakes and sausage, it was delicious. Despite eating my weight in spaghetti two days ago, I filled up fast on the pancakes. Hiker hunger must not have set in yet.

Jake and I had errands to run, so we borrowed the truck and set off. First up, picking up the boundary waters permit. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area is a protected area where things with a motor or engine are not allowed. Most canoe and portage through the area, but our plan is to hike through. Jake is pretty sure he won’t continue through, but pending a few situations I plan on continuing on with Leinie. Those things being horrible weather (no reason to be miserable) or injury (obv). 

We arrived at the ranger station to collect the permit. It required a series of three short videos, one of which showed how not to store your food (ie hanging a cooler) that was rather humorous. There was also a quiz to pass to ensure we paid attention to the videos. Spoiler alert, we passed.

BWCA permit

Next up was shopping. We needed to replace some broken gear and I was in search for the elusive Border Route guidebook. We stopped at no less than four stores to find most of the things on our list. Naturally, the last store we stopped at had everything because that is how we roll.

We I was thirsty so we stopped at the local brewery for a cold brewski or two. Since Leinie was not with us, we were able to enjoy the benefits of sitting inside rather than remaining outside in the damp, brisk weather. Don’t worry, he was happy to be napping inside.

Voyageur Brewing Co

Shopping done, livers satisfied, we headed to Jake’s aunt’s for dinner. She made some chicken dumplings which were amazing. Jake had three helpings, yes, three. Leinie got to play with her dogs and we chatted for most of the evening.

Back at the cabin, Leinie settled into nap mode again while us humans cracked some cans of beer. Jake and I had some packing to do and splitting up of resupply. This resupply was our largest yet. We wouldn’t have another chance to resupply until after the Border Route, halfway through the boundary waters. That was a whomping eight days away. Yoda was a beast when I finished. 

I feel torn, I am really enjoying being off trail and relaxing but at the same time it’s strange not walking all day and making miles. I’m itchy to be back on trail but want to sleep for about four more days. My groove has been interrupted and I don’t know if I like it or not.

See all Superior Hiking Trail posts


Voyageur Brewing Co.


SHT: Day 21