SHT: Day After

Superior Hiking Trail: Day After


Ham Lake - Ely

SHT miles: absolutely none

No spur/bonus miles

Elevation gained: 0 ft

Animals seen: townies, loons, chipmunks

I’m finally, truly dry. I’ve taken two showers in 12 hours but I can still smell myself, or maybe it’s my gear. *sniff* It’s definitely my gear.

The body is itching to keep moving. It’s weird to sit for longer than 20-30 minutes. I want to keep eating but it’s out of habit rather than hunger.

While I know it was the right decision to scratch the boundary waters, I still feel that subtle regret over the decision. Even as it rains outside.

I’m looking at trails. We didn’t like the rugged, overgrown, full of blow down sections and I’m reading into a wilderness route. I question how someone can spend months on a trail system and am checking the details on a longer trail. What is wrong with me?

Jake and I discuss the amazing camaraderie on trail and how that is one of the best aspects of any trail. 

I’m still struggling with the emotions, or lack thereof, at the completion of this trail. It’s the longest we’ve done, definitely one of the most mentally challenging, shouldn’t that equate to one of the highest positive emotions at the end?

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Eulogy to My Boots


SHT: Day 27