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High Sierra Trail
Our heroes continue on their perilous journey to the summit of Mt. Whitney. Do they make it? Do they succumb to the harrowing altitude or wave of zombiesque day hikers?
Our heroes take an “easy” day to the last rest stop prior to the epic summit. Views range from picturesque to intimidating.
Our heroine has survived the night and our party continues on their journey. They must traverse mountain climbs and fend off hoards of marmots.
Our heroine is afflicted by a death blow, our heroes attempt to assist, will they make it to camp….
Our heroes find themselves traversing Disney-que landscapes, harrowing storm-laden ridge lines and fending themselves from swarms of mosquitoes.
Our heroes continue their campaign across the Sierras encountering the local wildlife and exploring how much a human can possibly sweat.
Haphazard prep day to the start of our first thru hike on the High Sierra Trail. Intro to characters and themes found throughout this hike.

Maroon Bells
Our heroes find themselves in the final stretch of the campaign and contemplating on the journey.
Our heroes face the most dangerous enemy yet, in-fighting. Will the band break up? Will they come together in the face of life-or-death adversity?
The trek continues for our heroes as they conquer the second pass while the battle against wildlife, heat, and exhaustion wages on.
Our heroes start their new epic campaign with a full on assault of wildlife, heights, and altitude.
Our backpacking trio is back at it. This year they take on the highly talked about Maroon Bells Loop in Colorado. No summits to top, but four harrowing mountain passes stand in their way.

Trans-Catalina Trail
Our fearless trail doggo brings his humans back to Catalina Island to complete the remainder of the TCT. What will the second half bring?
The brave trail doggo leads his hobbling humans back towards civilization to complete the first part of this island adventure.
Our brave trail doggo continues his journey across Catalina Island, leading his two bumbling humans along. If only they had a practical number of legs instead of the measly two, sigh.
Our trusty trail doggo finds his way to Catalina Island to begin his journey across the Trans Catalina Trail. Will our hero pup be successful in completing the journey?

Superior Hiking Trail
Our band of heroes is drying out from the sogginess that was the SHT. They ponder their experience on trail, the people the met, what their hiking future looks like…
With the Northern Terminus just 8 miles ahead, what does the trail hold in store for our heroes?
After a damp night, our heroes face a very damp morning. Have their spirits improved? With the ending so close, will they make it?
Our band of heroes get caught up chatting with an aggressive schedule ahead. How far will they make it?
Our faithful trail doggo leads his humans right up to the shores of Lake Superior and lowest elevation point on trail. What goes down, must come up.
After a zero in Grand Marais, our band of heroes is back on trail with the end in relative sight. Can they conquer the physical and mental challenge of returning from a break?
Our heroes take a much earned zero day in Grand Marais. But it’s not all napping and feasting, town chores must be done, as well as, resupply.
Our band of heroes is back to the OG three: Jake, Sandra and Leinie. They bust out some miles while slack packing to make up time before a well-earned zero.
Stupid fellow hikers and foot injuries lead to a late start and short miles to a temporary trail exit.
Our enlarged band of heroes has a sweaty, warm day ahead of them. Fresh feet ripe for blisters, heavy packs to carry and a trail full of holiday-goers.
Our band of heroes has grown by two humans and one trail doggo. They have a day of mountains in their future. Just how many ups can a trail fam up, if a trail fam can hike up?
Our heroes are meeting up with friends for the Labor Day weekend. Who else will they meet? How will they retrieve their resupply from town?
Our band of heroes has a tough stretch ahead of them with difficult climbs and mental mountains. Who will come out on top?
Our weary heroes have a resupply day in their future. How far will they get? Who will they meet?
Our weary and damp band of heroes have some serious up’s in their future. How will they fare?
Our band of heroes approach the infamous Bear and Bean Lakes section of the trail. How will they handle this beautiful but strenuous area?
Our band of heroes have a town day and resupply in their future. Will they be efficient and productive with trail miles or take an easy, restful day in town?
Our heroes awake in good spirits and ready for adventure. A new trail section and sections from hikes past await.
Our heroes wake up, yet again, to rain. As they finish off the second section of trail and head into the third what and who do they meet?
Our band of heroes are feeling fresh after a night in town. What surprises lay in store on trail for them? How do they cope?
Our trusty trail dog leads his soggy humans to Two Harbors for a much needed town day and resupplies. The only thing standing in their way is a five+ mile road walk to town.
Our heroes wake up to a sodden camp. Can they muster the fortitude to trek the green carwash of a trail? Will they make it?
Our band of heroes get an early jump on the day, however, awkward campsite spacing will lead to either a short day or the longest day yet on trail. Which do they choose?
Our heroes struggle after their first night on trail. Will they make it to their goal or will they need to stop early?
Our heroes need to make it to the first campsite on the SHT, more than 14 miles away. Can they overcome the heat, the climbs, and the mental battles?
Our heroes have a forecast of climbs and descents. With their dwindling window to complete the first section, how far do they make it?
Our heroes and handsome trail doggo get a late start for their second day on the Superior Hiking Trail. They find out that the first section of trail through Duluth isn’t as flat as they assumed.
Our band of heroes, including the handsome trail doggo, are dropped off at the southern terminus of a lil jaunt through the woods dubbed, the Superior Hiking Trail.

Coyote Gulch
Our band of heroes find themselves with a harrowing scramble to exit the gulch. How will they conquer this feat to return to civilization?
Our band of heroes follow, or rather, traverse within the waters of the gulch seeing spectacular sights. They caught a glimpse of their planned exit route and fight the hordes of day hikers.
Our human heroes begin their adventure through Coyote Gulch. They must make the harrowing descent to the gulch first while daylight is disappearing fast.
Brewing Report Card
Our heroine reflects on the various brewing methods and how well she did with each one.
The Brew-in-a-Bag Red
The fourth and last tutorial for our favorite heroine is an Irish Red, the method: Brew-in-a-Bag version of all-grain brewing.
The Partial Mash Blonde
The third tutorial on our heroine’s list is the partial mash brewing process with an all-around favorite, the Blonde.
The Chaos IPA
The second tutorial our heroine faces is the steeping brewing method with a chaotic IPA recipe.
The All-Extract Weizen
Our heroine completes her first course in home brewing, the all-extract brewing method. Weizen, you’re up to bat.
The Homebrew Journey Begins
Our heroine dives into the world of home brewing. Equal parts chemistry, art and magic. She never was a great spell caster, but maybe she can multiclass…
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Our heroes are re-entering civilization and contemplating the journey they just completed. They ponder life, cleanliness, and what the future holds…