Ontario Peak

Six Pack of Peaks: Ontario Peak (& Bighorn Peak)


Out & Back

Miles Hiked: 14.7 miles

Elevation gain: 4,240 ft

Total elevation: 8,696 ft

Pairs well with: Blonde Ale

Elevation map create on AllTrails.com

Bushwacking [verb]: the type of hiking one does when the trail is overgrown with vegetation or fails to exist, may result in bruising, scrapes, and torn clothing.

Another coupon deal: two'fer peaks Ontario and Bighorn. We just couldn't resist. And we were feeling pretty darn confident after the triple bagger two weeks prior.

I have a love-hate relationship with Icehouse Canyon. I love the start with the stream, cute cabins, and amazing tree coverage; all this despite the constant upward motion. The exposed, super crowded, never-ending switchbacks to the trail junction is soul-sucking and I always dread this, always.

Icehouse Canyon aside, Ontario Peak was a great peak. Minus my pretty regular choice words which is basically standard on any hike up a mountain. Whoever put the picture tree at the summit, genius!

Now Bighorn Peak was as Jake called it, a "rough lover". The path played hard-to-get and I got lost off trail at least thrice. I wound up with bruises and scratches and that's not really my thing so I think it will be a one and done date with this one from me. For all the effort (read near scrambles at part and hard to see trail) the view was almost the same as Ontario and not worth it besides bragging rights.

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