Strawberry Peak

Six Pack of Peaks: Strawberry Peak


Out & Back

Miles hiked: 7.2 miles

Elevation gained: 1,788 ft

Total elevation: 6,165 ft

Pairs well with: hard seltzer

Elevation map from

Peak bagging [verb]: the attempt to summit various mountains, usually performed by people of not sane mind.

This was our official first peak of the Six Pack of Peaks challenge. A challenge I thought while under the influence of a rather delicious IPA (or three) that would help Jake and I kick our thru hike training into gear. I never claimed to be the most logical thinker…

We spent 10 minutes looking for the trailhead at the parking lot only to realize it was further up the road, so we were off to a great start. Arriving at the first junction we almost turned back at seeing such a steep climb. Thankfully another group let us know that was the trail to Mt. Lawler and we found the rim trail to the saddle. This part of the trail was simply amazing with breath defying views. There was a plant that was trimmed on the side of the trail which confused us (this is against the Leave No Trace principles). That was until I bumped into his brother and received a pleasant thorn into my calf. The climb to the peak was a roller coaster of emotions. Yea! I’m making it. Crap! A false peak. Look at me go, cruising along, call me Hiker Extraordinaire. Who needs training for a thru hike? Not this gal! OMG, another false peak! A trail of lies and deceit! Ok, this has to be the peak…ugh, why?! Last climb, please? Finally! The peak was busy with people so we parked ourselves on the west(?) side that had more room and better views. Took token photos with the sign and headed back down. The peak in no way resembles a strawberry, upside down or otherwise. Honestly, best way to start the new year. Loved this hike, trail doggo approved.

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