Deschutes Brewing Co.

Deschutes Brewing Co.

Bend, OR


Sandra’s Pick: Mirror Pond

Jake’s Pick: smash burger food truck

Our time in Bend was winding to a close, a long drawn-out close. Jake took advantage of the last nice morning in the forecast while I nursed my swollen and super bruised foot at the van. Once Jake returned, we sought out the big one. Deschutes.

Pulling up at 11am on a weekday makes us … fans, I’m sticking with that. Upon entering the brewery we were greeted and asked if we were here for a tour. I never felt more betrayed by my feet in my life as I answered no and was pointed toward the tasting room. We all know Deschutes brews great beer. My pick for the day was Mirror Pond. Jake enjoyed his beer but was in love with the smash burger food truck parked outside. We stayed for three rounds while we dreaded the inevitable goodbye to a town we fell figuratively and literally head over heels for.

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