Nickel Beer Co.

Nickel Beer Co.

Julien, CA


Sandra’s Pick: Cuyamaca Lager

After completing our first six pack peak of the new year, Volcan Mountain, we naturally stopped for a celebratory pint.I ordered the Cuyamaca Lager without thinking that maybe I should order the beer named after, oh I don’t know, Volcan Mountain instead. Oops. Well, the beer was fan-beeping-tastic! I had three and made Jake drive us home. Patio was Leinie approved.

I am told the town of Julien is famous for its apples - orchards, ciders, pies, etc. Well it was stupidly busy in the main drag and the lines for the apple products were nuts. While the town itself could be called “quaint”, I live in lines in LA, I don’t need them on my weekends, thank you very much. We tried an apple pie at the branch of one of the bigger bakeries on the outskirts of town (which had no line) and it was very mediocre. Sorry Julien, I’m gonna skip on your apples and take the beer.

Someone got a little cold waiting for their humans to finish drinking…

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Cuyamaca Peak


Volcan Mountain