Policy Kings Brewery

Policy Kings Brewery

Cedar City, UT


Sandra’s Pick: Half Baked IPA

Jake’s Pick: Live IPA & Hate IPA

Oh Utah, you hurt me so. The liquor laws that forbid beer sold here from being higher than 5% tested us to our core. A 5% IPA, porter, stout, etc is akin to decaf coffee, or a hooker that only cuddles. What is the point?! As such, it wasn’t surprising that breweries are a scarce creature in the state, but leave it to us to find one. Policy Kings is tucked into a quiet corner of Cedar City and while they only serve 5% on tap, they will pour true beer from cans which fits into a nice little legal loophole.

Jake tried both can pours and loved them both equally. I couldn’t bring myself to order a can at a brewery so I stuck to the cuddling hooker IPA they called Half Baked. It was delicious, despite the cuddling. We ended up drinking there for several hours to enjoy Drag Trivia. Jake and I absolutely suck at trivia and had a blast. They ran out of Love IPA cans, but I am sure that is irrelevant. This little brewery will hold a special place in our hearts.

You’ll have to excuse the lack of pics, we were very distracted by the trivia game.

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