Exile Brewing Co.

Exile Brewing Co.

Des Moines, IA


Sandra’s Pick: Ruthie’s

Those who know me, know I am a couponer at heart and love a good two-for-one deal. While in Des Moines, we did just that and had a double brewery Sunday Funday. Our second stop of the day was Exile Brewing Company in downtown Des Moines. 

We made the mistake of overstuffing ourselves on bbq so I elected for the drinkable Ruthie’s. Found out it is also the most popular craft beer in Iowa, what can I say, I have a gift. Anywho, the beer was refreshing despite the brisket baby I had and I had three, I think? It’s possible I had a fourth… Props to our server, Andy, she was fun to chat with and had great suggestions for the guys who like to rotate through brews.

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