Fort Collins, CO
Distance: 5k (65% ran)
Celebration Pint: Lagerado
Years ago, I used to participate, rather religiously, in 5k’s. Seriously.
Moved to SoCal where mountains existed and retired my running shoes. Fast forward to present day and found to my utter delight that Brewery Running Series had a Colorado chapter. Fun little fact: started in Minnesota and yours truly had participated in events every years since the very first until I moved. I found an event sponsored by our favorite brewery in FoCo and signed the tramily up.
Our event landed squarely in the midst of a horrendous heat wave with temps projected to be in the 100’s. To prevent paw burns and canine heat stroke (never, ever risk it) Leinie stayed in the AC. Now Minnesota has a rather, shall we say, casual running culture. Colorado? It’s basically a cult. We showed up to most everyone stretching, doing something on their wrist tracking device thingies, and pre-running (is that even a thing?!). I questioned whether we could score a pre-run brewski (answer: no).
It was hot, definitely in the 100’s. It was decidedly not flat, but not the worst grades I’ve done. I was passed by a lot of people, but surprisingly also passed more people than I have fingers. I ran a solid 65%, thank you very much. While the CO chapter only has one complimentary pint, it was absolutely delicious and necessary. Lagerado for the win!

Jake on the return

Adam on the return

Celebratory pints!
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